October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

05 Oct, 2017 | Labroots
Approximately 1 in 8 women in the US will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. It is a pervasive disease, with death rates higher than those for any other cancer besides lung cancer. Even though inherited breast cancer mutations receive a lot of press, the vast majority of breast cancer cases are due to random mutations that occur as a result of the aging process or environmental influences. store_product_profile_image_fa24f020ac6159aab5081a831c659dbb62ab76fe_4954_mod-3-450-650Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease and raise funding for breast cancer research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Various events around the world incorporate breast cancer awareness in October, such as the National Race for the Cure and the LabRoots Cancer Research and Oncology virtual conference on October 11th and 12th. This year’s conference hopes to bring to light new advancements in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of different cancers, and aid in the fight against not just breast cancer but all cancer types. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, LabRoots would like to offer a 10% discount off of LabRoots store purchases. With every purchase, LabRoots will donate 10% back to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Use promo code PinkRibbon on your order. Please help LabRoots spread the word about breast cancer awareness and hug someone you know who has had or has breast cancer. #pinkribbon
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